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A configuration object has to be created, which should be passed to the initialize API. Below are the configuration options that we have.

Domainstring""TrueSpecifies the domain for the widget to operate.
PlatformIdstring""TrueUnique identifier for the platform.
AppIdstring""TrueUnique identifier for the application.
WidgetTypestringhelpcenter_and_webchatTrueDefines the type of widget. Common options include helpcenter_and_webchat, helpcenter, and webchat.
UserIdstring""FalseIdentifier for the user interacting with the widget.
UserNamestring""FalseName of the user.
UserEmailstring""FalseEmail address of the user.
LanguagestringenFalseLanguage preference for the widget. Example: en, fr.
ConversationPrefillTextstring""FalsePrefill text for initiating a conversation.
InitialUserMessagestring""FalseInitial message displayed to the user.
FullPrivacyboolfalseFalseIndicates if full privacy mode is enabled.
InitiateChatOnLoadboolfalseFalseAutomatically initiate a chat when the widget loads.
ClearAnonymousUserOnLoginboolfalseFalseClears anonymous user data upon login.
EnableLoggingboolfalseFalseEnables logging for debugging purposes.
CifsboolfalseFalseConfiguration identifier for specific integrations.
TagsList<string>new List<string>()FalseA list of tags to associate with the widget.
FaqIdstring""FalseIdentifier for a specific FAQ.
SectionIdstring""FalseIdentifier for a specific section.
ResizeModeResizeModeResizeMode.SlimRightFalseDetermines how the widget resizes. Example values include ResizeMode.SlimRight, ResizeMode.SlimCenter, ResizeMode.SlimLeft, ResizeMode.WideCenter, and ResizeMode.FullScreen.


var config = new HelpshiftConfig
Domain = "mydomain",
PlatformId = "mydomain_platform_123",
AppId = "3",
WidgetType = "helpcenter_and_webchat",

// Pass the configuration to the initialize API
Helpshift.Initialize(Application.streamingAssetsPath, config);

Mode Previews

SlimRight (Default)