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Helpshift APIs

APIDescriptionParametersExample Usage
Helpshift.InitializeInitializes the Helpshift widget and runs it in the background, enabling it to listen for notifications.

If notifications are a high priority, this method should be called when the game starts to ensure timely event handling.
  • path (string): The base path to the Application's streaming assets, e.g., Application.streamingAssetsPath.
  • helpshiftConfig (object): A configuration object for the widget.
Helpshift.Initialize(Application.streamingAssetsPath, helpshiftConfig);
Helpshift.ShowDisplays the Helpshift widget on the screen. This is typically invoked during the on-click action of a clickable element (e.g., a button).

Ensure that Helpshift.Initialize() has been called earlier in the game flow before invoking this method; otherwise, the widget will not function properly.
Helpshift.HideTemporarily hides the Helpshift widget from the screen. This can also be triggered by clicking the "X" button on the widget.

Typically used when the widget should be hidden to minimize distractions, adjust to UI changes, or ensure a smooth user experience during focused gameplay moments, such as cutscenes, high-concentration sequences, or transitions between states. The widget is hidden rather than closed to keep the background event system active for handling notifications.
Helpshift.CleanUpDestroy the Helpshift widget and terminates its background process. This method should be called during game shutdown to release resources and ensure proper cleanup.

Call this inside Unity's OnApplicationQuit() method.
Helpshift.Update (Optional)Handles events sent from the Helpshift widget to Unity. This method is typically called inside Unity's Update() method.

This is optional in the current workflow as no events are being sent from the widget to Unity.